2023year5month3day PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk Bukaka Industrial Estate Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820 T. +62.21 823 2323 F. +62.21 823
Read MoreHome - Businesses - Steel Bridge. Established in 1996, the Steel Bridge Business Unit leads in Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Finishing, Construction, Installation and Service.
Read MorePT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk. merupakan manufacture atau pabrikan Asphalt Mixing Plant, Stone Crusher, Concrete Batching Plant, Road Maintenance Truck, Asphalt Patch Mixer, Asphalt Sprayer, Asphalt
Read MoreStone Crusher BUKAKA STONE CRUSHER BSC 30 JI BSC 30 JJ BSC 50 JC BSC 60 JJ BSC 60 JI DLL sesuai permintaan Bukaka Stone Crusher merupakan salah satu produk PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama yang
Read MoreHome - Businesses - Steel Tower. As the pioneer in manufacturing and construction of transmission line of high and extra high voltage in Indonesia, the Company produced its
Read MorePT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk (BUKK) was established on October 25, 1978. The Company is engaged in the manufacture and supply of Special equipment and other businesses
Read More2024year1month26day PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is engaged in the fabrication and supply of specialized equipment and other businesses in the construction industry. The Company
Read MoreMay 26, 2022 - 11:27 PM Profile Perusahaan Tentang Perusahaan PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk berdiri pada 25 Oktober 1978 dan bergerak di bidang usaha perbengkelan
Read MorePT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk is registered and monitored by Indonesia Financial Services Authority NEWS. Jun 20th, 2023. Bukaka Receives ISO 37001:2016 Anti Briberry Certificate. Read More. View All. EVENTS. May 19th, 2023. AGM 2023. Read More. View All. Steel Tower.
Read MoreBukaka Industrial Estate Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820 P : +6221 823 2323 F : +6221 823 1150 bukaka Coordinate : -6.387038,106.967582 Representative Office : Tower A, Unit 21E-F Kota Kasablanka Jl. Kasablanka Kav. 88 Jakarta Selatan P : +6221 296 126 88 F : +6221 296 129 11
Read More2018year9month1day Home سنگ شکن سنگسار mobil merek bukaka bgs30 b QUALITY DIFFERENTIATES OUR BRAND Different Machines to Meet All Needs crusher bukaka mobile ...
Read MoreBrief Profile Milestones. “ Integrity, Teamwork, Professionalism, Innovation, Excellence ”. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk ('BUKAKA') ('the Company'), was established on October 25, 1978 based on Notarial deed of H. Bebasa Daeng Lalo, SH, No. 149 and had already obtained approval based on a Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of ...
Read More3. PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang dialami pihak manapun terhadap adanya penipuan yang menyalahgunakan nama atau identitas PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk. 4. Kepada semua pihak yang menjumpai atau mengalami penipuan sebagaimana tersebut diatas, agar melaporkan kepada PT BUKAKA TEKNIK
Read MoreAgriculture Machinery merupakan Business Unit dari PT Bukaka Teknik Utama, Tbk yang merupakan salah satu Perusahaan Nasional yang berpengalaman dalam pabrikasi / memproduksi alat-alat pertanian seperti Rice Transplante dan Paddy Combine
Read More2023year11month6day اگر قصد انجام سنگ شکنی کلیه را دارید این مقاله شما را با مهم ترین نکات جراحی لیتوتریپسی آشنا می کند.مراحل سنگ شکنی کلیه و درد سنگ شکن کلیه چگونه برای سنگ شکنی کلیه آماده شویم؟ این نکته بسیار مهم است که قبل از انجام این ...
Read More3. PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang dialami pihak manapun terhadap adanya penipuan yang menyalahgunakan nama atau identitas PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk. 4. Kepada semua pihak yang menjumpai atau mengalami penipuan sebagaimana tersebut diatas, agar melaporkan kepada PT BUKAKA TEKNIK
Read MoreAfifuddin SK. Indonesian citizen, born on June 22nd 1985. Appointed as Director of the Company since May 2016 based on the Deed of GMS No. 15 dated May 30, 2016, which was approved by Budi Haryanto, S.H., Notary in South Jakarta. Currently he also serves as Director of PT Bumi Mineral Sulawesi since 2009, Director of PT Malea Energy since
Read More2023year10month22day Namun dari hasil penelusuran tim UpahKerja, diketahui bahwa gaji Karyawan PT Bukaka Teknik Utama berkisar antara Rp3.000.000 hingga Rp120.000.000 setiap bulannya. Untuk mengetahui lebih detail mengenai berapa nominal gaji yang didapatkan diberbagai posisi jabatan yang ada, berikut ini adalah daftar gaji karyawan
Read More2023year5month3day PT BUKAKA TEKNIK UTAMA Tbk Bukaka Industrial Estate Jl. Raya Narogong - Bekasi Km. 19,5 Cileungsi Bogor 16820 T. +62.21 823 2323 F. +62.21 823 1150 E. corcomm.btu@bukaka Bukaka Official @BukakaOfficial @bukakaofficial PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk bukaka
Read More2023year3month24day PT Bukaka Teknik Utama tanggal 30 Mei 2016 oleh Notaris Budi Aryanto S.H., di Jakarta dan telah mendapat persetujuan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia berdasarkan Surat Keputusan No.AHU-AH.01.03- In 2016
Read MoreOil Gas Equipment. Road Construction Equipment. Offshore Maintenance And Services. Special Purpose Vehicle. Galvanizing. Subsidiaries. Bukaka Mandiri Sejahtera. Bukaka Energi. Bukaka Forging Industries.
Read MoreSteel Tower. " Integrity, Teamwork, Professionalism, Innovation, Excellence ". As the pioneer in manufacturing and construction of transmission line of high and extra high voltage in Indonesia, the Company produced its first transmission line with the capacity of 70 kV and 150 kV in 1981, and a double circuit tower with the capacity of 500 kV ...
Read MoreThe Company produces 2 types of boarding bridge, they are, steel-made and glass-made wall. All products are manufactured using electro mechanical technology and completed with modern control system that is adjustable to meet the expected comfort and security of the passengers as well as aircraft. Employing the modern concept, the Boarding ...
Read More2024year1month31day PT Bukaka Minyu Industry. PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Balikpapan. Situs web. www .bukaka . PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur yang berkantor pusat di Cileungsi, Bogor. Untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnisnya, perusahaan ini juga memiliki kantor perwakilan di Jakarta.
Read MoreJakarta, CNBC Indonesia - PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk memperingati hari ulang tahun (HUT) ke-40, Minggu (4/11/2018). Bertempat di komplek Monumen Nasional (Monas), peringatan ini diwarnai dengan jalan sehat yang dibuka langsung Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla. Dalam sambutannya, orang nomor dua di RI itu mengucapkan selamat kepada
Read MoreThen it continued to develop by producing road construction equipment, such as Asphalt Mixing Plant, Asphalt Patch Mixer, Tandem Vibration Roller, Slurry Seal, Asphalt Sprayer, Road Roller and Stone Crusher, Vibratory Roller, as well as Road Maintenance Truck. With the production capacity of 50 units per year, the Business Unit has served ...
Read MorePT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk. The Establishment Date. 25 October 1978. Legal Base. The Deed No. 149 signed before Haji Bebasa Daeng Lalo, S.H., with approval from Minister of Justice of Republic of Indonesia pursuant to the Decree No. Y.A.5/242/7 dated 21 May 1979. Authorized Capital. Rp3,380,000,000,000. Issued and Fully Paid-in Capital.
Read More2020year1month16day PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk ASET ASET LANCAR Kas dan setara kas Catatan 2f,m,5 Deposito yang dibatasi penggunaannya Catatan 2i,6 Piutang Usaha Catatan 2g,7 Pihak ketiga-bersih setelah dikurangi Penyisihan Piutang ragu-ragu sebesar Rp. 0
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